Lotto Results
Here you can find the latest results for Lotto, Lotto Plus 1, and Lotto Plus 2. We update the results once the draw has taken place at 20:56 on Wednesday and Saturday evenings. Below you will find the results for the last 10 draws, including the Lotto Plus results, showing the balls that were selected in each draw, along with the total number of winners and prize amounts won. Use the results here to check your tickets, or use the button next to the draw you want to view to see more details.
Jackpot: R5,035,695.67
Lotto Winners: 50,127
Jackpot: R2,774,760.84
Lotto Winners: 67,433
Jackpot: R10,620,941
Lotto Winners: 63,000
Jackpot: R8,106,739.24
Lotto Winners: 80,009
Jackpot: R5,384,772.73
Lotto Winners: 74,115
Jackpot: R3,138,206.67
Lotto Winners: 70,537
Jackpot: R8,128,943.10
Lotto Winners: 76,685
Jackpot: R5,493,435.23
Lotto Winners: 72,969
Jackpot: R2,245,168.83
Lotto Winners: 59,144
Jackpot: R8,009,325.10
Lotto Winners: 75,736
Latest Draw Details
The jackpot in the latest Lotto draw was R5.04 Million. Nobody matched all six numbers to win the jackpot, so it has rolled over to the next draw.
The next jackpot for the draw on Saturday 22 February is R8 Million.
Looking for older Lotto results?
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